
Palacio de los Serrano

Teléfono: 947 532 424 - Móvil: 650 239 109
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Web: www.palaciodelosserrano.es

"Los Serrano" Palace or Mansion was built in the 18th century by Juan Antonio Serrano Mañero, a canon and rector of Santiago University.
It belonged to this noble family from this area until it was donated for its conservation, being considered a Cultural Interest Monument. Nowadays, it belongs to Sotillo Municipality, which recovered and restored it in order to offer Rural Tourism facilities, as well as a Meeting and Exhibition Centre.

The noble building square plan has 6 rooms, all with bathroom. Two of them are triple rooms, and four are double. All of the rooms are very spacious, so extra beds can be set.
On the ground floor, there is a large reception hall and two large meeting rooms on each side. After crossing the reception hall, we go to the guests' facilities.
A small corridor leads us the dining room, a restroom and a garden-courtyard. A beautiful staircase, starting from this area, leads to the rooms. The services the Hotel offers are: breakfast and a guided visit to a typical winery in the area, the building itself and the most important buildings in Sotillo. All the rooms are external. On the forefront part there is the central balcony, as well as two side balconies.